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Volltext online seit: 1983
Volltext online bis: 1991
Verlag: Bureau of Communications, South Africa ; Digital Innovation South Africa (DISA)
Erscheinungsweise: retrodigitalisiert
Kosten: kostenlos
Anmerkung: Clarion Call was published as the official journal of the KwaZulu Government, as a record of their activities, and as a mouthpiece of the Inkatha Institute developed to foster the aims of Inkatha - "a liberation movement committed to non-violence, peaceful change and a negotiated future for South Africa". The youth of KwaZulu, in particular, were called upon to resist violence as a means of protest. Participation in community self help projects supported by the KwaZulu Government fostered strong community values and aimed at forging unity within the movement. Social issues such as pensions, job creation, food production and primary health care are discussed in Clarion Call as well as issues relating to resistance to the National Government's repressive machinery, as viewed by Inkatha.
ZDB-Nummer: 2115466-1

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