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Volltext online seit: 1987
Volltext online bis: 1994
Verlag: Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa
Erscheinungsweise: retrodigitalisiert
Kosten: kostenlos
ISSN (Druckausgabe): 1017-0243
Anmerkung: Democracy in action, published by the Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa, outlines the extensive efforts of the Institute to create a climate of open communication and understanding between diverse and often politically opposing groups in order to break down barriers, encourage dialogue and bring about meaningful change in South Africa. It also documents the Institute's efforts to further their aims on the international front by sending delegations abroad, often as invited guests, to promote understanding and support for a democratic alternative for South Africa. Youth workshops, women's seminars, educational and political conferences were platforms for discussions, debates and decisions about democratic issues whilst promoting understanding, tolerance and integration of different race groups with diverse political, cultural and social backgrounds
ZDB-Nummer: 2129656-X

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