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Volltext online seit: 1982
Volltext online bis: 1984
Verlag: Ditshwantsho tsa Rona
Erscheinungsweise: retrodigitalisiert
Kosten: kostenlos
Anmerkung: Izwi lase Township was published by Ditshwantsho tsa Rona. It offered notes and views about current and past events. Though mainly concerned with Alexandra, since that was the home location of Ditshwantsho, it held that Alexandra was but a part of South Africa and shared in the general struggle of the country as a whole. The underlying philosophy of this publication was that it was necessary to understand society in order to change it; in line with this thinking the public was invited to participate in the paper by carrying out research and by contributing discussion. Ultimately, the ghetto status of the township was rejected, along with any strategies that attempted to divide it from other parts of the nation
ZDB-Nummer: 2139782-X

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