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Sechaba: Official Organ of the African National Congress South Africa

Volltext online seit: 1967
Volltext online bis: 1990
Verlag: African National Congress
Erscheinungsweise: retrodigitalisiert
Kosten: kostenlos
ISSN (Druckausgabe): 0037-0509
Anmerkung: The African National Congress began publication of Sechaba in 1967. It documents the struggle, from the organisation's perspective, for freedom in South Africa and for the freedom of South Africa - freedom from racial discrimination, from legislation that denied human rights and from the Government's relentless policy of racially imposed injustice. Sechaba documents the process by which the African National Congress, banned in South Africa during the period 1961 to 1990, forged its struggle for freedom, justice and liberation despite being a banned organization.
ZDB-Nummer: 2139776-4

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