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South African Human Rights Yearbook

Volltext online seit: Jg. 8, 1997
Volltext online bis: Jg. 8, 1997
Verlag: Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
Erscheinungsweise: Volltext, Online und Druckausgabe
Kosten: kostenlos
Anmerkung: The Centre for Socio-Legal Studies publishes this annual reference book and the Media & Publishing Unit produces, markets and distributes the publication. This review of legal and related developments in specific areas of human rights was first published in 1990. The publication documents the legal, social and political implications of the transition to democracy and the deregulation of apartheid. It details changes in legislation, key legal precedents, and findings of commissions. The yearbook covers developments in the areas of: capital punishment; children's rights; conscription; constitutional developments; detention; education; elections; environment; health; homelands; land; legal representation; local government; policing; prisoners' rights; sexual orientation; and women's rights.
ZDB-Nummer: 2071405-1

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