
High-performance metal parts

On-demand casting components

This foundry company specialises in sand and investment castings in super duplex and duplex stainless steels, super-austenitic, high-alloyed cast iron and low...

Interactive exhibits

Aseptic automation for pharmaceuticals

Stäubli has been a partner to the pharmaceutical industry for decades. Its groundbreaking Stericlean series, launched in 2008, was the world’s first robot...

Explosion protection

Atex-compliant drives

Flammable gases and dust in the chemical processing industries create serious safety risks. This company offers robust electric motors with powers ranging from...

For laboratory applications

Miniature fluidised bed unit

The LFB Batch mini L fluidised-bed plant (LFB mini) is a compact plant for laboratory applications from Amandus Kahl. The LFB mini has features to perform...

Instrumentation & Automation

Gas analysis

A demo van with gas analyzers

The Servomex Demo Van is located in the outdoor area, offering visitors the chance to see a range of analysers from the Servotough, Servopro and Servoflex...

Modular process automation

Facilitate change with software platform

Copa-Data is showcasing its innovative Zenon software platform at Achema 2024. As the Digital Innovation Partner, the company is introducing groundbreaking...

With new features

Multifunctional mass flowmeter

Building upon the success of its Flexi-Flow Compact series, Bronkhorst is presenting an extensive line extension, offering versatility and precision in gas...

This is how structures and systems should be designed

Security solutions for the process industry

The recent cyber attacks on plants in the process industry emphatically underline the fact that such attacks can cause considerable financial, health and other...

Detector recognises hazards at an early stage

Fire gas detection in filter systems

The handling of bulk solids poses many challenges. One of these is the enormous amount of dust that is created by conveying and processing the different...

An economical concept

Explosion safety for spray drying systems

One measure of constructive explosion protection is explosion suppression. Rembe has developed the Q-Bic extinguishing barrier for this purpose, taking...

Oral solid dosage production

Continuous tablet manufacturing

Instead of separate production steps, continuous manufacturing (CM) allows ongoing processing from the powder feed-in to the finished tablet. It offers an...

Pharmaceutical packaging

GMP-compliant drums

Müller Drumtec is a leading manufacturer of specialty containers and packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical industry. The company’s cylindrical lidded...

Life Cycle Assessment from Syntegon Provides Valuable Insights for Siegfried

Tracking down emissions

Syntegon has recently developed its own calculation model based on so-called Life Cycle Assessments (LCA). The method allows the company to evaluate energy...


The website publishes the latest developments in chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical as well as food processing technology. It reports in the form of trend reports, interviews, technical articles, news and product reports on innovations in process technology. The main sectors are  chemical and pharmaceutical technology as well as oil and gas processing industry and petrochemistry. Special topic pages and common action pages for fairs and events complete the offer. Special topic pages and joint campaign pages on trade fairs and events complete the offer. The site Process Technology Online is divided into the subject areas of chemistry, pharmaceuticals and food. Here, users will find industry-relevant information for their daily work. Each of the industry-specific subject areas is in turn divided into the relevant sub-areas so that the reader can get a quick overview of the respective topic. There are cross-industry topic pages such as energy & environment or oil & gas. In addition, there are the special topics of hygienic design and digitalisation, as well as IIoT. Supplementary service offers round off the offer.  In the company profiles you will find a whole host of relevant companies for production in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. is related to the German page This page covers the same topics for chemical, pwtrochemical, pharmaceutical and food processing.
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