International Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture

About LLC

The International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture (LLC) undergoes a biannual release in March and October as a peer-reviewed scientific journal. It was founded with the aim of fostering open access and facilitating a peer review process that is both agile and rigorous. Since its establishment on in 2014, the LLC Foundation has evolved into a prominent publishing platform for researchers worldwide. All articles featured in LLC undergo a rigorous peer-review process and adhere to open-access standards, ensuring free accessibility to the global scientific community. LLC also offers an open review option, encouraging transparency by allowing reviewers to disclose their names and share review reports with both authors and the public. This commitment to open peer review enhances the overall transparency of the evaluation process. Each LLC article includes a controlled document known as the “review history,” detailing the names of reviewers and, if approved, their review reports.
The journal extends an invitation for scholarly submissions on theories, methodologies, and applications within the domains of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture. The inherent interconnectedness among linguistics, literature, and culture is acknowledged for its profundity, wherein language assumes the role of a cultural medium, literature functions as a mirror reflecting cultural expression, and both are reciprocally influenced by cultural contexts. This interdisciplinary nexus significantly augments our comprehension of intricate phenomena. The establishment of an International Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture is imperative, serving as a pivotal platform wherein scholars worldwide can disseminate insights, fostering a more inclusive and interconnected paradigm for the study of these disciplines. The journal concurrently facilitates cross-cultural dialogue, tackles interdisciplinary challenges, and mirrors evolving trends, thereby affirming its pertinence in encapsulating the dynamic interplay between language, literature, and culture on a global scale. All articles are presented in English.


In July 2022, the European Scientific Institute, ESI launched its Preprint platform in order to accelerate the dissemination of research.
A preprint is a piece of research that has not yet been peer-reviewed and published in a journal. In most cases, they can be considered final drafts or working papers. ESI Preprints is a multidisciplinary preprint platform that makes scientific manuscripts from all fields of research immediately available. 
For more information please visit our website:

Our mission

The fundamental mission of the International Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture (LLC) is to facilitate a more efficient dissemination of the latest scientific ideas within the specific domains of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture. Functioning as a bridge, LLC serves the critical role of connecting researchers situated with the global academic community, contributing to the cross-cultural exchange and advancement of scholarly discourse in these interconnected fields.

Call for Papers is ongoing. However, below are the various time frames:

Deadlines : March Edition October Edition
    Final Article submission         February 20th         September 20th    
    Publication     March 30th         October 30th    

from authors from over 49 countries around the globe


updated January 2024

Contact the LLC editorial office