The EU and Central Asia

Although the EU’s engagement with Central Asia has increased significantly since February 2022, the region is not about to abandon ties with Russia. With the US and above all China also competing for influence in this resource-rich part of the world, Central Asia is undergoing a complex and perilous process of realignment.


The climate of hostility in which the assassination attempt on Robert Fico took place has been a feature of Slovak politics for the past two decades. And Fico has played a decisive role in creating it. How the situation in Slovakia came about – and whether it will continue to deteriorate.

Cover for: Fading hopes for change

Fading hopes for change

Bulgaria and Romania

In Bulgaria and Romania, the EP elections coincide with national elections. Interminable political instability, corruption and socioeconomic tensions all contribute to voter fatigue. With the far right in the ascendant, 9 June could be a watershed.

Cover for: Europe’s weary shores

Europe’s weary shores

Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain

Political instability, recession and environmental crises have contributed to the rising swell of social discontent in Europe’s south. But there is one issue more than any other being capitalised on by the Mediterranean’s resurgent far-right: migration.

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Eurozine Network

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